About Us

About TAWC

Founded in 2019 as a chapter of the National Association of Water Companies, TAWC has members located throughout the state.

Our members range in size from large companies with multiple locations to individual utilities serving a few hundred customers. They are operated by men and women who engineer solutions and earn the public’s trust by treating and delivering a vital resource year after year. Through TAWC, our members collaborate, share best practices and leverage their strengths to benefit the communities they serve.

Safe and reliable water service is the lifeblood of our nation. It is essential to the survival of every individual, family and business. As our population grows and pressures our resources, communities will need the experience of well-managed utilities more than ever. Their expertise in the development and implementation of technology and replacing aging infrastructure will have a profound impact on people, business and the environment.



TAWC seeks to promote the common interest of its members through education, public relations, and other programs. The Chapter responds to state legislative and regulatory initiatives, and together, find common ground to solve intricate issues that the water industry faces in the state of Texas.


Our companies are water professionals working to serve you


We engage with public policy on behalf of our communities

Board Of Directors

Jeffrey L. McIntyre

President, TAWC

President, Texas Water Utilities

Jeff McIntyre became President, Texas Water Utilities for SouthWest Water Company in January 2020. Jeff has more than 37 years of experience in the water and wastewater utility industry with a variety of expertise in municipal, private, regulated and market-based business. In these roles, Jeff utilized his operational and leadership knowledge to enhance customer experience, drive a culture of safety and continuous improvement, strengthen community and regulator relationships, ensure safe water and wastewater services, expand customer base through acquisitions, and increase shareholder value. Jeff is an experienced leader having held numerous roles at the level of director, vice president, and president over the last 20 years. Most recently, before joining SouthWest Water, he held the position of American Water’s Senior Vice President, Mid-Atlantic Division and President of Pennsylvania American Water. In this capacity, he provided visionary leadership for 1,400 employees including oversight of West Virginia American Water. Jeff attended West Virginia University and over his career, Jeff has obtained many operating licenses in water treatment and distribution, wastewater treatment and collection.

Thomas Hodge P.E.

Treasurer, TAWC
President, SJWTX, Inc.

Mr. Hodge has over 30 years in water utility management and water and wastewater engineering. As President, Mr. Hodge is responsible for the overall success of the utility including business development and partnerships, financial performance, strategic planning, regulatory compliance, and operations. Prior to transferring to SJWTX in 2007, Mr. Hodge served as Engineering Manager for Capital Improvements for SJWC, managing a Capital Improvements Budget of over $40 million per year. Prior to joining SJW, Mr. Hodge was a Project Manager and Senior Engineer with Olivia Chen Consultants and Bechtel Systems and Infrastructure Inc. in San Francisco, where he provided engineering support for both public and private sector clients on a variety of infrastructure projects in the U.S. and internationally.

Darrin Barker

Secretary, TAWC
President, Corix Utilities

Darrin Barker has 32 years of experience in utility operations and management, utility regulation including cost-allocation and rate design, municipal management, and public relations. He joined the Corix Group of Companies in 2012 when Corix purchased 20 water and wastewater systems from the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) in Texas. Darrin’s 18 year career at LCRA began as the Community Relations Representative, then Customer Service Manager for their retail utilities and finally as the Regional Manager. As the Regional Manager he oversaw the coordination of the customer service, engineering, operations, and compliance functions. Darrin was instrumental in business development through utility acquisitions for the LCRA’s service area. Prior to his service at LCRA, Darrin was the City Manager for the City of San Saba. He began his career as a Cost of Service and Rate Design Analyst, and a Management Auditor for the Texas Public Utility Commission. Darrin focuses is on customer and community relations, innovative approaches to business development and drives for safety of his employees and customers all of which will position Corix Texas to be successful in the years to come. Darrin received a Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture Economics and a Master of Business Administration from the Mays School of Business, both at Texas A&M University.

Simon Sequeira

President, Quadvest

Simon Sequeira is recognized as an industry leader in acquisition and construction of all facets of utility projects. Simon came to Quadvest as a 3rd generation leader in 1997. He has since built the family owned business into the largest and fastest growing private owned water and sewer utility in Texas. As president of Quadvest, Simon Sequeira is responsible for Quadvest’s strategic planning process, formulating the corporate vision and strategic direction, initiating growth strategies, approving all financial management and new product development initiatives, providing strategic guidance on operations, direct capital creation efforts, and approving capital projects. Simon attended the Fast Tract Management School in Hanover, Germany and holds a BBA in Management from the University of Houston.

Shelley Young

President, Rosehill Utilities

Lorem Ipsum is a simple dummy text from the printing and spelling industry. Lorem Ipsum has become the industry’s standard dummy text since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a sample and created a sample book. Not only did it survive for five centuries, but it remained largely unchanged even after it made the leap to electronic media. It became popular in the 1960s with the release of Letters containing the Letraset Lorem Ipsum excerpt, and more recently with desktop publishing software such as Aldus PageMaker, including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Our Members